May 20, 2022

Remembering a great place

Before today, we only communicated in Messenger twice.

The first one was in 2013, and the second in 2021. It took a whole year before she responded to the latter.

Major Jeyn is one of the few Sanctius members whom I still have some means of online connection, thanks to FB and IG.

I rarely communicate with any of them since I stopped playing Perfect World PH in 2011. I just see their FB or IG updates, and react to them every now and then.

But today, while there's a bit of sad news, my brief kumustahan with Major Jeyn took me back to that great place called Sanctius.

Great times with awesome people.

(Random eksenas in the land of Pangu. I was a forever noob who got lucky to be surrounded by awesome players. I will always have great memories of my time with Sanctius.)

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