September 04, 2011

My Miss U answers ^^

I'm going to take on Cez's suggestion to answer the three questions posed to Miss Universe candidates in their web interview.

Here goes. ^^

1. Do you believe in life on other planets?

Yes! Somewhere in the vast universe exist other systems that have the right conditions to support life. I'm also a great believer that there are highly intelligent lifeforms out there.

2.a Original version: What advantage do women have over men?

More superior physiological and emotional resilience. Most women have better immune systems that allow them to be highly resistant to diseases, and they have more efficient ways of coping with emotional stress. If I'm to write a science fiction novel, I see women as the key to mankind's survival.

2.b Revised version: What advantage do men have over women?

The dividing line is slowly fading, but men are still better suited in dealing with danger -- whether as an aggressor or protector, hopefully the latter. It is still a vital role in the rise and fall of societies. And whether the data showing more men dying of non-health related deaths is an indicator of men's adventurous spirit or just plain stupidity, the fact is that men will be where the action is.

3. If you were an animal, what will you be and why?

Tiger. Power and grace rolled into one, with a character that is designed to be independent. Tigers are usually solitary hunters, and are also capable of living in harmony with others in small units.

I thank you. Bow. Toink.


Cecilia said...

Ooooh! You did it! I think I'll do it too!

chepie said...

and the crown goes to: Leigh from the Philippines!! *clap clap clap* (hugs to JOan!)

Leo said...

@Cez: Haha go for it, Cez. ^^

@Pie: Hold the coronation! We have yet to hear the answers of Cez and Pie hee hee. ^^

Thanks for the support and prayers for Joan, guys. She's doing much better now. She's still getting used to her new digestive/urinary system (they felt alien to her after the organs got freed from so much adhesions). Anyway, she has two months to rest, so yey! ^^

Version 2.0

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