The latter has a more direct effect, and despite my high tolerance for poor service, hunger broke down my patience and compelled me to write the email below:
From: Leo
Sent: Monday, May 16, 2011 10:34 PM
Subject: KFC ______* branch's "10-minute willing to wait" advice
Dear KFC,
Please review the exact time it takes to serve your Fish Twister and California Maki Twister, because I am sure I have been waiting for an average of 20 minutes in all three separate occasions I ordered for these items.
If indeed it takes just 10 minutes to serve these items, then please review the KFC (name of branch) -- that's where all cases I mentioned above happened.
I am so willing to wait for 20 minutes, that's how much I like your Twister.
But please don't train the frontline staffs to deceive customers like me by making me wait for twice the AGREED time. It is definitely not a pleasant feeling. You can check with your frontline man Nestor* who attended to me this evening, May 16, at 8:20 PM (Transaction code: 112-0516**********), how miserable I was.
So my plea is for either:
- the said KFC branch shape up and deliver within the 10-minute promise, or
- change the frontliners' spiel and honestly advice the customers that the twister will take 20 MINUTES. Have faith in your products, do away with the deceiving "10-minute willing to wait" spiel.
Should this experience happen again in that branch, and I am not in a hurry to go home, be assured that I will raise this concern to the branch manager.
But since I was hungry and in a hurry to enjoy a dinner of twister at home this evening, I hope that for now this letter could bring this issue to your kind attention.
Thank you.
Yours in good quality customer service.
Thumbs up for their quick response:
Dear Leo,
Your message reached us. Thanks for sharing with us your service experiences with our KFC*. We understand your disappointment and would like to extend to you our sincere apologies for the inconveniences caused.
While we look forward to the immediate resolution of your concern, we would like to assure you that it is our steadfast commitment to maintain the highest possible standards in customer service for all our restaurants. This incident will merit verification from our Operations team. On this note kindly give us a contact number where we could reach you for feedback at your most convenient time.
Thanks for your time writing us. We hope to have you enjoy a real KFC experience with us soon!
Best regards,
Customer Care KFC Philippines
A day later, I got a call from the Customer Care officer of the branch in question, and was apprised of the Operation Team's findings.
To summarize, on that fateful May 16 visit to that branch, the frontline guy failed to check his timer and followed up on my order waaay too late, causing a terrible delay in the entire process of serving my much-needed sustenance. I was told that the said frontline staff was "pulled out".
All in all, I'm satisfied with how they handled my issue. Tara kain! ^^
* real names and specific KFC branch withheld.
Photo from KFC Philippines (
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