February 01, 2009


My steady diet of Reader's Digest in my entire adult life has supplied me with bits and pieces of facts, both big and small. Thanks to this, I'm drawn to perspectives that sometimes border on trivial -- if not utterly useless.

January has been a crazy, crazy month. I've heard of so many cases of emotions running too high, irregular monthly periods (my wife included), and people getting way too sentimental (myself included).

There are better and more sound explanations to all these, of course. A friend of mine, for instance, pointed to how people affect each other in certain ways that eventually lead to a certain reaction.

But nooo! I have to blame the sun and the moon and their combined gravitational pull for all these emotional and physiological joyride.

I'm not entirely proud of it: using trivial facts as answers to almost everything when the truth for every action and reaction just lie within me -- waiting for me to reach in and acknowledge it.

I would, in my good time.

But then again, maybe I already have.

Oh well.

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