April 02, 2008

Pizza and ice cream

They are symbols for many things at the workplace: a birthday bash, a job well done, a peace offering, an incentive to clean up the place, or simply a soothing balm for weary souls during lull moments in between stressful days.

They are witness to unforgettable lines, jokes corny enough to get one remembered for a long, long time, and small talks that lead to big plans and even bigger gimmicks.

Lately they heralded yet another change in the workplace as another Techie will soon move on to a new path in life and career.

Change is good. Without it, there would be no butterflies. Cheers!

Cheers to pizza! And ice cream! And pancit! And the simple joys they bring.


Here’s a good idea amid the looming rice crisis: half-rice policy (related news here).

I hope fast-food outlets and restaurants can pull this off. It’s been done for softdrinks, shampoos, toothpastes, and other commodities subscribing to the concept of “tingi” (retail at smaller quantities), so it’s about time they do it for rice.

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