April 29, 2008


I got starstruck.


I never thought controversial personalities would have this effect on me.


Today I've been to the darkest, scariest, and steepest basement parking space I've ever encountered.

Thank goodness for 2.5 diesel engine.

No wonder the building tenants call it "The Abyss".

It's been a good day. Stressful, but good. And I still don't make any sense.

Much have happened this month, but work still doesn't give enough elbow room to blog about it.

Right now I just want to say thank you.

April 08, 2008

Lessons from the chicken farm

While it's true that conversations are usually more engaging when both parties share a lot of commonalities, having nothing in common does not necessarily mean the end of lively talks.

Learning from listening is as engaging as exchanging shared ideas. This is one of the many aspects that make interviewing a wonderful experience.

This is the usual scenario every time my father-in-law drops by to visit -- we interview, he shares, we learn.

Some time ago he mentioned an unfamiliar Capiz term: tanghag. It popped up when we were talking about how to build garbage bins from scrap metal and chicken nests from coconut leaves (or nigo).

Tanghag is how the elders call hens that have no chick-raising aptitude.

This breed of irresponsible hens could not maintain quality incubation, resulting to dismal egg-hatching ratio. The chicks that luckily get to be hatched are usually left to fend for themselves.

So to be called a tanghag is not a good thing.

Another chicken-related concept came from my brother just last weekend during our visit in Batangas. Listening to him over shots of Gran Matador and green mangoes for pulutan beats any marketing workshop I could think of.

With over fifteen years experience in sales and brand management, it became second-nature for him to apply his marketing strategies to his poultry business.

Nesting is what my brother and his colleagues call the tactic of quietly introducing a product and observing how it will affect the market. Incubation could take as long as needed and, at the right time, they hatch or fast-track it.

"Boom! (with punching action for emphasis) Kuha mo ang market!"

(Why am I getting the image of that parasitic alien -- from the movie Alien -- bursting out of some unfortunate host's chest? It must be the brandy.)

I love listening to these passionate and inspiring people. Someday I hope to record their stories for our family's next generation.


I'm not a big fan of brandy, but I think I got converted by Gran Matador.

No hangover!


April 04, 2008

Reality unlimited

My two-year old nephew loves to watch television THIS close. Tsk tsk. Not good for the eyes. No no no.

I heard the rumors about the Australian blogger who’s been revealing alleged secrets about some well-known Philippine personalities way before I saw ABS-CBN Gigi Grande’s interview with the blogger himself, Mr. Brian Gorrell.

I decided to take a look at the blog yesterday, and half an hour of browsing the entries and comments left me a bit dizzy.

Whew! Talk about waging war on an entirely different level – the kind that needed only one bullet to be fired for an exponentially widespread effect. The feedback mechanism of this medium makes it even more potent.

How you see and what you do with the all the info is, as always, entirely up to you.


Sigh. Ramiele Malubay sang her final song for AI.


Oh well, that’s one less TV show from my ever-changing watchlist.

April 02, 2008

Pizza and ice cream

They are symbols for many things at the workplace: a birthday bash, a job well done, a peace offering, an incentive to clean up the place, or simply a soothing balm for weary souls during lull moments in between stressful days.

They are witness to unforgettable lines, jokes corny enough to get one remembered for a long, long time, and small talks that lead to big plans and even bigger gimmicks.

Lately they heralded yet another change in the workplace as another Techie will soon move on to a new path in life and career.

Change is good. Without it, there would be no butterflies. Cheers!

Cheers to pizza! And ice cream! And pancit! And the simple joys they bring.


Here’s a good idea amid the looming rice crisis: half-rice policy (related news here).

I hope fast-food outlets and restaurants can pull this off. It’s been done for softdrinks, shampoos, toothpastes, and other commodities subscribing to the concept of “tingi” (retail at smaller quantities), so it’s about time they do it for rice.

Version 2.0

There will never be another Chester Bennington. Ever. But I almost cried when I heard Linkin Park 2.0.   Mike Shinoda was right to follow hi...