April 04, 2007

Closing time

It’s 8pm, and I just finished sending out the station’s last media release before closing shop for Holy Week break.

At least now the media will have something to work on during this long weekend. I can’t wait to see how they will “re-write” the report.

The people from tech-support and I have been really good friends lately, given how crazy the station’s internet and web server has been acting these past few days.

I remember a portion in their report: “…the recent attacks were the most patient and sophisticated method we have ever encountered. In time, with the right skills and motivation, the attacker would have succeeded…”


I never thought anyone would go through that much trouble to break into our servers.


I’m the last one to leave. Again.

Time to close shop.

A restful weekend to all.

1 comment:

- litol figgy - said...

nyah. somebody broke into the servers? urk. evil, evil!

Version 2.0

There will never be another Chester Bennington. Ever. But I almost cried when I heard Linkin Park 2.0.   Mike Shinoda was right to follow hi...