September 21, 2006

I give up...


I just learned that no amount of anger can change the fact that you are my father.

No matter how hard I try to keep my distance, I’ll come running to heed your call.

I may have a thousand and one alibis to stay away, but I’m surprised at how easily I can drop everything to rush by your side...

If you just cry for help.


I hope you get well, Dad.

I just hope, too, that you see what my brother and sister are going through to help you...

and that you know what you’re doing...

1 comment:

Cecilia said...

The father becomes the son and the son becomes the father, as they said in Superman.

Look past your anger, no matter how intense it might feel. Let love win. He's still your father. He's your only father.

I pray for his speedy recovery.

Version 2.0

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