September 09, 2024

Version 2.0

There will never be another Chester Bennington. Ever.

But I almost cried when I heard Linkin Park 2.0.  

Mike Shinoda was right to follow his guts about Emily Armstrong.

I'm glad the band lives on to continue making their brand of sound.

And what a joy to hear their old songs. 

Different power, same intensity.

All Linkin Park.


Thanks, Eraserheads.

Got to slow dance with me wifey to your Huling El Bimbo.


September is shaping up to be an interesting one.

Two amazing comebacks in just a month.

Wifey asked me if I could do something similar.

I dunno.

I only see these sorts of reunions in either movies or showbiz.

For an average guy like me, I could only dream.

Real life rarely comes up with version 2.0 

September 02, 2024


Thank you for the love. Even if it's challenging. Even if we're far apart. We're adulting, I agree. We will prevail. We will strive to work towards being together again.

Thank you for family.

Thank you for friends. Near or far. Remembered or forgotten. Easy or awkward. To the very few. To the ones I lost, and found. To old and new. I sincerely ask forgiveness to all I have wronged. To those who stayed, I am forever grateful.

Thank you for the health. 

I'm on the road to 50. 

Thank you for everything.

Version 2.0

There will never be another Chester Bennington. Ever. But I almost cried when I heard Linkin Park 2.0.   Mike Shinoda was right to follow hi...