Updated 10-31-2011: Added screenshots of fashion and mounts.To my children in
PW Philippines, I bid you farewell after over four years of wonderful gaming.
Rhapsody, the lightning fists. You were the first to show me the world of Pangu. You get killed a lot in quests and tasted countless defeats in duels. But in the end, your humility through it all earned you the respect and friendship I never thought possible in this game.

AgentXero, wielder of bows and slingshots. Solo hunting has never been so easy with you at my command.

Lordeaon, the anti-Soulless. You did nothing but dazzle me with your raw destructive power.

AgentLei, the fast one. You were the hardest to control, but such wonderful never-ending stuns you have at your disposal.

JadeLee and Blaize... you two never learned how to fly, but a lovely hammer-wielding female Wu Xia and a self-sufficient Fa Shih never fell short of showing me how fun this game is.

And finally, DarthLee.
Much has been written about you in this blog. While you were originally created as a healer for Rhapsody's friends, you exceeded all my expectations and ultimately became my final alter-ego in the land of Pangu.
You're the silent ambulance, AFK (away from keyboard) specialist, lonesome grinder, stubborn soloist, and Du Ruo-LMB addict.
While you may not have reached the highest of levels, nor explored the deepest of dungeons, you've already done so much for the average gamer in me. You gave this game a true breath of life, and some of the cool people of the clan,
Sanctius, would remember me because of you. ^^
I'm sorry you never became even half as great as the awesome Yu Lings you've met along the way, like Razhklash, Gem, Jeyn, and Maharet.
Maybe someday.

Hasta la vista, PW!