January 17, 2009
Like trusting your instincts.
Yesterday I was invited by some of my officemates to have dinner at Sarah's.
In my dictionary, the word Sarah's could mean any or all of the following: liquor, pulutan, relaxation, conversation, fun, and/or refuge.
It readily occurred to me that someone needed a drink, and later on learned that it was to soothe a broken heart.
The person in need of soothing was not the one who invited me.
I hesitated. My instinct told me that for this level of emotional sharing, someone like me -- the most senior in terms of rank at work (and, technically, age. haha!) -- would create a certain degree of awkwardness in the group.
But heaven knows I needed to unwind, too, so I got selfish and tagged along.
What followed was a delightful display of my theory proving itself: some people find it difficult to step out of the office walls, even just for an evening.
I had a good time. I always do every time I visit Sarah's, regardless of the company.
It got much better for my officemates -- after I left.
I was right.
Sorry guys. That's five hours I kept you from unbridled emotional sharing and fun. ^^'
January 08, 2009
Last days of 2008 (part 1)
The days leading to Christmas were, as usual, toxic at the workplace.
It has always felt like we have to earn our vacation, and considering the length of the holiday break ahead and the deadlines that await us, it’s going to take a lot of work to earn this one.
But I was able to keep my flight schedule intact this time, thanks to everyone’s hard work (I believe we share the same plans of spending a worry-free vacation), and Joan, who booked our flights early on in September.
And thanks to Mae and Liz for the last two media releases of 2008 -- it felt good seeing the stories at the frontpage of newspapers that manage to reach our rural hometown.
Looking back at a not-so-good news...
The segment of the year-end report by a TV network featuring my discussion on one of the regular political survey findings of SWS was taken out by producer. About a week before the airing, she wrote me an email informing me about the omission, and apologizing for the inconvenience.
After three postponements in the taping (and the extra days I have to wear smart casuals haha), that 30-minute interview will never see the light of day. *sigh*
I'm just glad I haven't told my mother about the interview. She's got the most active "text life" I've ever seen for someone of her age -- she could spread the word to hundreds and hundreds of teachers and friends across the region in no time. *shudder*
Anyway, at least the public didn’t have to see my haggard face on TV. No amount of studio make-up could conceal the fatigue in my horrible mug back then.
I wasn’t the only one running short on spirit and temper – the pressure of deadlines was eating away at our reserves (pitpitan ng bayag, ‘ika nga), slowly dashing out my hopes of the Techies redeeming its glory at the Christmas Party Presentation Contest. Finding the time and the right mood (yes, mood!) for us to rehearse for the contest was almost impossible.It’s been years since the Techies won the coveted title of being Champions in the Christmas Party Presentation Contest, with 2007 seeing our worst defeat by far: we ended in seventh place, out of seven competing groups.
But my prayers were answered when somehow the Techies pulled off a decent number on the night of December 18, and ended up in second place, besting six other groups.
We’re not the champions, but it was more than I wished for. THANK YOU.
Thanks to this year’s Mas-Mas Committee –Anne, Ched, Liz, Micko, and Pierre – for putting together the party. Here’s wishing you all a fruitful and fulfilling time with the station.
Thanks to our surprise judges, Ate Ana and Diana. The outcome of the contest reminded me of what the competition was like when I joined the station waaay back: more than just dazzle, a presentation has to have substance.

Next time, I'll stick to someone classic, maybe someone like Son Goku.
Version 2.0
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